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GODVERSITY welcomes you - we aim to empower you to live a purpose-filled life. For this, we provide innovative, simplified information, to ease the experience of learning complex biblical principles and available science to enhance the quality of walk with Jesus Christ.
Simply start with our daily devotional post or get involved in uncovering more in-depth insights about your identity.

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Friends, we are so glad you are here with us. We are ordinary Christians living ordinary lives but passionate about Jesus Christ and believe in the Holy Trinity. For this purpose, we are gathered and excited to share the gospel and offer you our fellowship. We are self-funded and hence, do not seek your financial support or ask for donations. However, we'd remain grateful if you could help us spread His Word by sharing and volunteering with us.
Please join us - we are passionate about God, The Son, and The Holy Spirit and believe in leadership through His example. We thank you for your prayers and remain in His ministry as Practicing Christians.
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