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Gifts of Grace



Try balancing the following two truths:

1. I must not be prideful.

2. But I must understand just how much God values me.

It is not easy. Satan can use our self-denigration, the worthless worm syndrome, to discourage us, keep us from using our God-given gifts, and keep us from realizing their purpose in our lives. On the other hand, pride takes God out of the picture and His divine attributes in any of our well-intended contributions.

As a bearer of God's image and also being part of this fallen humanity is our daily struggle. We can maintain a proper balance by praising the One who made us and His invaluable gift of salvation through His only begotten son, Yeshua - who has sacrificed himself so we can live. Praise be to God.

PLEASE PRAY WITH ME: Holy Father, as your child, redeemed at the cost of Jesus' life, I know I am loved and valuable to you. I know you have given me abilities and gifts to use for your glory and to bless your church. But Father, I never want to think that my abilities are somehow tied to my superiority or work. I know you have given me the gifts, abilities, and experiences that have shaped me, so please empower me to your glory. But Father, I never want the glory achieved from your gifts to puff me up or rob me of the realization that I am what I am, I have what I have, and I do what I do because of your grace and your generous gifts. May I ever be your humble but valuable child at work in your Kingdom. I pray in the name of Jesus, my older brother, and your Son. Amen.


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