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Return to GOD!


Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ,

We come before Your throne of grace with humble hearts and fervent spirits. We lift up to You all those who have wandered from Your loving presence, those who may have forgotten Your goodness or turned away from Your light.

Lord Jesus, You who are the Good Shepherd, we ask that You seek out Your lost sheep. Let Your voice be heard in the wilderness of their lives, calling them back to the safety of Your fold. Touch their hearts with Your unfailing love and remind them of the peace and purpose found only in You.

Holy Spirit, we pray for Your gentle yet powerful influence. Stir within the hearts of those who are far from God. Awaken in them a thirst for truth and a hunger for righteousness that can only be satisfied by returning to the Father. Break through the barriers of doubt, hurt, or indifference that may have caused them to stray.

Father God, we ask that You soften hearts that have grown hard, open eyes that have been blinded to Your truth, and unstop ears that have been deaf to Your call. May those who are lost remember the joy of their salvation and long to return to Your embrace.

Lord, use us as Your instruments of grace. Give us wisdom to speak words of life, courage to share Your love, and patience to walk alongside those on the journey back to You. May our lives be a testament to Your transforming power and enduring faithfulness.

We pray for a great awakening, a mighty return of prodigal sons and daughters to Your household of faith. May they experience anew the wonder of Your forgiveness, the depth of Your love, and the assurance of eternal life through faith in Christ Jesus.

In the powerful name of Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer, we pray.


GOD BLESS. YOU.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


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