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what we do

Since the advent of organized society, religious beliefs have mandated social progress, an insatiable urge to make a difference to the world. Religion makes a difference to politics, to a community, to families, to education, to culture, and to economics.  We believe that religion is not essential, but the relationship is. We invite you to become a person who thinks about God and His purpose for your life. ​





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At Godversity we study the rise of modern science in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, examine the role of Christian thought in the emergence of “scientific thinking,” and investigate a series of early controversies between science and Christian faith with particular attention to Galileo. We engage questions as: Is warfare an accurate way to describe the historical relationship between Christianity and science?  How do various types of biblical interpretation affect Christian responses to scientific advance? In reality, the relationship between science and theology is typically far more complex than any of the individual models allow. How do we create an accurate account and its relativism to current times? Examining the evidence for evolutionary development and natural selection, speaking also to its compatibility with Christian revelation. How does a Christian doctrine of Fall and Sin make sense in light of an evolutionary theory of human origins?  What is reductionism in this case, and what is a possible, rational, Christian response?



If there is anything we have learned as educators and entrepreneurs, it is that we are all globally connected, financially and socioeconomically; for better or for worse. Mobile technology, primarily when used for social communications. Through technology, we share information, with many new opportunities for people to discover while finding a chance to plug in their talents and productions. This, we believe is the authentic and meaningful education. 


The results? Changes in behavior, in mindset, and ultimately in that temporary work and life balance juggling act we all engage in, as a rite of passage that plays out at various stages in life. Technology is changing the future of that work/life seesaw, one day at a time, one person at a time. It is also evolving both the trajectory of people’s career choice and their educational regimen as a whole. That’s why there are ongoing debates about the importance of balancing humanity and technology, the importance of entrepreneurship in developing countries, and the importance of e-learning and global digital citizenship for the greater good.




At Godversity, we believe building partnerships strengthens our ties to the community, sharing resources, and building positive relationships with diverse cultures. Reaching out to initiate community partnerships begin with identifying both traditional and non-traditional partners and exploring new ways to work together. Effective collaborations are sustained through a shared commitment to serving the ever-changing needs of the community. 


How do we start to move beyond our own silos and egos and fear? The first step in working together is often, and appropriately, at the partnership level. One organization invites another (or others) to append their name to a program already envisioned or underway so as to address a communal need with greater numbers and buy-in. In the beginning, this is appropriate and good and the surest way to build trust and win friends. Let us agree that “to partner” means to join forces in pursuit of a shared goal - to live as Christians in all aspects of our lives.

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