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Daily Wisdom - Psalm 85:6


PRAYER: Father and Almighty LORD, please forgive me for my sins. I confess them freely to you now. Having you in my life, honoring your Kingdom with my behavior and honoring your love with my graciousness are very important to me. Please revive me again and empower me to love, do good deeds, and pursue holy living so that you will be praised. In Jesus' name. Amen.

THOUGHT: God loves his children even when they are rebellious. However, God showed Israel that their rebellion would drive His presence and blessing from them. But with their genuine repentance, their confession of sin, God joyously returns to their lives to bring revival, renewal, and restoration.

COMMENTARY: The restoration of Israel from exile is a proof that God has forgiven His people and taken them back into favour as He promised (Jeremiah 33:8 ff.). Yet the present condition of Israel seems to shew that God’s anger still rests upon it. Only a feeble remnant has returned. Disappointment and disaster are crushing them. The national life has not revived. The great hopes held out by the prophets, especially in Isaiah 40-66, in connexion with the Return, have not been realised. And therefore the nation prays for a fresh manifestation of God’s saving power to gladden His people (Psalm 85:1-7). Listening for an answer the Psalmist receives the assurance that God’s purposes of good toward His faithful people will surely be fulfilled. He will dwell among them and bless them, fulfilling the prophetic promises of the establishment of His kingdom among men (Psalm 85:8-13).


POWER 5 - Is a 5 minutes prayer that kickstarts your day with the most powerful source of Goodness, Love and Grace. Invite a family or a friend to share this with you.



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