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Making Right Choices Isn’t Easy


Our GOD speaks to us, He loves us and gets His message to us in many ways. Sometimes as we meditate on His Word and other times through others who pray with us. In the old days, the society had patriarchs and great prophets who carried His message to His people. Later there were the written records in the Scriptures that provided His wisdom to those who read them. Today God's greatest message, His most powerful message, is not just words at all, but through His living Son, Jesus of Nazareth He has shown us His

ultimate Will.

Through Christ, He has established His Holy Will for all of us. We, His Church, are not only asked to read His Word and act on it, but also to seek Christ as He is the key to understanding what Scriptures really mean and how to live it. We must remind ourselves every day to follow the example Christ has shown us.

PLEASE PRAY WITH ME: Holy Father, help me see Jesus, His works and His purpose more clearly as I open Your Book. Please guide my understanding as I seek to follow Your Will. Grant me the filling of Your Spirit, so that I may meet each decision, each crossroad in life to an enlightened answer that follows the question, "What would Jesus do?" In the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior I pray. AMEN.



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